
It's possible to self host the components of Inngest, and manage the entire system within your own environment.

Explore the architecture

There are multiple components to Inngest, each of which will need to be created:

  • The state system, which records state for function runs
  • The queueing system, which schedules and invokes particular steps within a function
  • The messaging system, which acts as an event bus for incoming events
  • The data store, which is a persisted data store for function & action version metadata
  • The core api service, which manages source keys, function metadata, and action metadata
  • The event api service, which accepts events and publishes them to the messaging system
  • The runner service, which receives events from the messaging system and enqueues functions
  • The executor service, which executes individual steps within a function

You can read more about the architecture of Inngest in our architecture docs.


Backing systems

The state systems, queueing systems, messaging systems, and data store must be highly available. We have multiple drivers for each, and recommend using widely available systems such as hosted Redis, SQS/SNS, or Google Pub/Sub.

Service resources (RAM, CPU, etc.)

There are two primary factors which determine the resources that your services need:

  • Events per second; the number of events you send Inngest per second. This impacts the memory and CPU required for the event API, runner, and state store.
  • Function execution; the frequency and intensity of the functions you execute. Long running, demanding functions require a greater reserve of CPU and RAM for allocation within executors. Many short running functions per second adds load to your state store.

Ports and networking

At it's core, the only requirement is that events can be ingested via the event service, which requires plain HTTP(s) support. The services communicate via backing systems (eg. NATS) and are currently shared-nothing; they do not communicate directly.

Running services

At a high level, Inngest's services can be served via the inngest serve command using the CLI. One or or more services at a time can be served from a single process. For example:

  • inngest serve executor runs the executor service.
  • inngest serve event-api runner runs the event API and the runner together in a single process.

When serving multiple services at once, if one service terminates the process will safely stop the other services and terminate.

Docker images

Docker images are available to run services:

docker run -d --restart always --name runner inngest/inngest:latest inngest serve runner


You can configure services via a config.cue file within:

  • /etc/inngest/config.cue
  • Via the -c flag, eg. inngest serve -c ./path/to/config.cue runner
  • Via the INNGEST_CONFIG environment variable (eg. if you store config in a secrets manager). The env variable must be the full escaped config file.

You can view the configuration specification here, with example configuration files in two places:

Environment variables

Config can contain environment variables for interpolation. An example:

package main
import (
	config ""
config.#Config & {
  state: {
    service: {
      backend: "redis"
      // REDIS_HOST will be replaced with the environment variable's value.
      host: "${REDIS_HOST}"

Example self-hosting stacks

We have example self-hosting stacks documented within our CLI repo. These document a range of self hosting environments, from AWS stacks using ECS to single machines via Docker Compose.

View the example stacks here.


We offer support for self-hosting. For a detailed self-hosting guide and support information, reach out to us at for more information, or speak to us on Discord.